One of the greatest pleasures of belonging to the Knights is the fraternal aspect, the chance to socialize with fellow Knights at events and meetings. The ability to meet new people and to make new friends. Over the past few years I have done just that, I have met some great guys and have had the opportunity to make a lot of new friends. It truly is a blessing.
Most, if not all of the people I have met and became friends with where people that I would have never met, had it not been for the brotherhood of the Knights. We all came from different pasts. Me, I was not born and raised in the area, so I did not attend the local schools or even the local parish. Others moved from different states to Michigan, and yet others were born and raised in the area. Some joined as young men and others recently joined as something to do in their golden years (one of our newest members, Ken, is 92) and yet others seemed to have joined for no particular reason (I like to think it’s the hand of God pushing them). Yet we all are brother Knights.
I love that aspect of the Knights, we are brothers in Christ and Brothers in arms. We are brother Knights!
My involvement with Notre Dame Council is very active, I am the Grand Knight, Building President and Lounge manager, basically meaning I have my hands in everything. And with my hands in everything I also am very active in all our doings. So, because of this, I also get to know a few of my Brother Knights better than others. Their investment in the knights and our activities allows me to get to know them on a more personal level. So, because they volunteer more, others because they attend more events, and yes some, well simply because they complain more. Yet each of them help to build the brotherhood, in their own way.
All of this, and more, makes being a Knight well worth the effort.
But… There is one small problem with belonging to a council that is over 75 years old… Most if its members are, well, old…
I’m 53, and am considered one of the younger members…
With an older membership you get great wisdom and lots of great stories of the good old days.
I remember hearing stories of the grand parties they use to host at the old hall. Parties that would last well into the morning hours, today, if I can keep them past 8pm I am doing well. I have heard stories of 50 members showing up for meetings, 13 members is a good meeting for us. And stories of all the family activities they hosted for their kids and the community. Today, most members are great grandparents…
Times change, and change is good… But I do wish that some of the good old days would return…
But with such an older membership, there is a liability…
Often times the stories are not about the good old days, but about the new medication they are on, or the operation to replace the knee… And sadly they stories of the funeral they just attended for a friend or loved one.
You can almost see it in their eyes, the yearning for what once was. As each friend and loved one passes on, the reality of death becomes clearer to them. It is a bitter sweetness that they endure.
As a friend I listen to the stories about friends and loved ones that have passed on, I feel the loss and have empathy for them. Knowing that I will never truly understand, until I to, am at that stage of my life.
But, as a member of an older council, I have seen the passing of several Brother Knights. Over the last two years it seems to have pick up pace. And just this week we have lost yet another Brother Knight. I was saddened to hear of his loss, but I knew it was coming. He was a kind man, always with a smile on his face, always willing to help and always willing to joke around. He was a man who lived life, and loved the life he lived. He was in his 80’s, yet never slowed down, never gave up and never acted old. His soul was a blessing to the council, and to me. I became very close to him, and considered him a friend above all else. Yes he was a Brother Knight, Yes he was an officer and yes he volunteered, but more than that, he was my friend. He will be missed…
Loss is part of life, I understand that, I have experienced it in my life, both my parents have passed on, I have no grandparents and I have seen my brother lay to rest his young son. I understand loss is part of life, but no amount of loss makes it easier.
But, with loss come the opportunity to experience God’s grace… I welcome it with open arms.
To my Brother Knights, My friends, whom I have lost over the last few years, I think you for your gift of friendship, for I am truly a better person because of it. Yes, my heart is heavy for the loss… But my soul rejoices for you, for you have returned to the heavenly Father, for you are truly home.
Pray for me, pray for the Knights, and we, as your earthly Brothers, will pray for you…
Paul Sposite, GK